
Apologies - I've been neglecting this blog again - life gets in the way sometimes... 

I've been working on my video for the exhibition (working title: I Cried to Dream Again) and, whilst the video is far from complete and hence I can't post it here, I can share a few images: 

These have all been through a pre-set of mine (based on an old preset that I can no longer find online) and represent the general look and feel of the video which is meant to be oneiric. I still don't have the central images yet and time is running out but I have the shoot booked in for the 26th which sadly means missing the next class. Needs must though - much more work needed! Plus I have to pull together a poster / advertisement to sit next to the monitor to try and entice people in to watch the finished* video - I'll have more news on this soon I hope. 

UPDATE: Here it is

* "Finished" might be stretching it - as with so much art, "abandoned" is more likely to be the relevant term I'd have thought. 


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