Coming Soon from the Devil's Postman (off topic)

 That's the Devil's Postman as in Amazon, not Dermid who is a friend of mine and who has recently finished the third in his series about his alter ego the superhero Kiltman, a kilted middle aged Scotsman with secret crime-fighting powers. I include this post here (a) as shameless promotion of this cartoon-like and very amusing novel; and (b) because the above image was in part generated by Midjourney, the Devil's artist. Yes, it's our old friend AI at work again - I prompted it, sorted a few things out, and hey presto, after but a few minutes work you have the above draft for the cover of Mr Strain's book. Make of it what you will - for me, it is a sign of imminent doom but, well, (a) know your enemy; and (b), if you can't beat 'em...


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