Christmas Holidays Homework Part III: 12:15 to bedtime
Part III then: a trip to the supermarket over the border in England, then some internet time, then later, bed. Food and drink took up some of the day but I couldn't bear to be so literal and besides, I'm not a consummate food photographer so, well, no food or drink below except in the shopping bag (which should have been a Coop bag - one of many such continuity errors). So, here's the last lot... beware though, they didn't all make the cut in the classroom and, indeed, my day was messed around with until - well, while it wasn't quite unrecognisable, it was different, it was a lie :)
The layout in class was different - I'd cut out little versions of all the pictures and Stephen put them out in a descending (read: energy levels declining) line, doing what he could with diagonals in the pictures. Mary was kind enough to point out that there was a preponderance of orange at the beginning and the end of the day, the photos clumped around this colour, but I thought it was a stretch...
To be totally honest I didn't really feel it, doing this exercise - by the time the evening came I had had enough, and posting this third part of the homework, I've also had enough. I didn't give enough thought to this, I didn't work hard at it, and the photographs are unoriginal and a bit tired. I might give it another go tomorrow, see what I can come up with, but I already tried another go and made even less progress than above. What would I mark it, if I had to? Maybe 42%, perhaps a C-, certainly no more than that. Did I learn from the exercise (which, after all, is the main thing)? Yes: it helped me again say to the class that I find it difficult to keep a brief in mind - the moment I pick up a camera I start looking for the Hero Shot, the Money Shot, rather than keeping the story, the narrative, to the fore. Remember Patrick, the point of the course is the narrative, NOT a single shot to be entered in to some sort of competition. So: ONWARDS!
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