Week Five Homework II

 So, I'm a bit (!) behind as I am still working on the first section of the homework: 

Think of how you would approach [this]: 

Presenting [a] two narrator version of the same events. (One an 'objective 3rd person narrator, and the other, a 1st person unreliable narrator). What camera techniques would you use to differentiate the two 'voices'? Would you use other visuals such as tone, lighting, colour... to help distinguish the two from each other?

Which, thinking about it, is not really what I have done so far. In fact, it shouldn't after all be Ariel and Caliban with the cameras, it should be Caliban as the objective 3rd person photographic narrator, and Prospero as the 1st person unreliable narrator with his fancy words and fancy camera technique, his fancy presentation.  


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